Van Helsing Star Jennifer Cheon Garcia – TomGirl

Jennifer Cheon Garcia joins TomGirl host J.J. Jurgens to talk about her starring role
as ‘Ivory’ on the hit series “Van Helsing” which will return for its fourth season this fall to Syfy and
Netflix. A former model, this ½ Korean and ½ Mexican beauty faced great adversity in her youth
and was bullied in school. She discusses how the arts and physical fitness helped reshape her
emotional well-being and shake off the labels others had placed upon her. She also shares about
her love of the outdoors, finding your passion and how she trains for those epic fight scenes.

AfterBuzz Tv’s TomGirl is a brand new vodcast series hosted by JJ Jurgens, covering all aspects of sports, entertainment, fashion, and adventure! Each week, tune in on TomGirl Tuesdays LIVE or listen on iTunes or any other podcast location, to find conversations with leading members of the community. Follow JJ Jurgen on Twitter @JJJurgens and the show’s official twitter handle at @TomGirlTV!

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