The Vampire Diaries S:2 | Last Dance E:18 | AfterBuzz TV AfterShow

AFTERBUZZ TV – Vampire Diaries edition, is a weekly “after show” for fans of CW’s hit cult show “Vampire Diaries”. In tonight’s episode host DJ Jesse Janedy breaks down the “Last Dance” episode in which Klaus (in Alaric’s body) compels Katherine to tell him how the others plan to kill him. He then finds out that Bonnie has obtained power that could threaten his life. At the school dance, Jeremy confronts Bonnie about why she wants to kill herself for Elena, and Damon overhears. Jeremy goes to Stefan for help, and Stefan tells Elena about Bonnie’s plans. Elena finally guesses who “Alaric” really is. Bonnie fights Klaus with her powers and appears to die. As Elena grieves, Damon tells her that Klaus must believe Bonnie is dead, but her death was faked. Realizing that Bonnie intends to endanger herself to defeat Klaus, Elena pulls the dagger out of Elijah’s heart. There to help Jesse are co-host Janora McDuffie. It’s Vampire Diaries “Last Dance” episode.

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