The Game S:6 | We Gotta Stop Meeting Like This E:2 | AfterBuzz TV AfterShow

AFTERBUZZ TV – The Game edition, is a weekly “after show” for fans of BET’s The Game. In this show, host Stanley breaks down the season 5 episode “We Gotta Stop Meeting Like This” in which romantic complications ensue for Blue and Keira after she helps him deal with the aftermath of his scuffle with Derwin. Meanwhile, Malik and Jason talk Derwin down from his confrontation with Blue. Tasha addresses the barrage of phone calls she’s received from Rick Fox. Jason tries to make amends with Chardonnay after going back on his promise to make their trip to New York a honeymoon. There to help Stanley are co-hosts Fallon Mercedes, Megan Thomas, Ashley Gray, and Brandon London. It’s The Game’s “We Gotta Stop Meeting Like This” podcast!

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