AFTERBUZZ TV – The Following edition, is a weekly “after show” for fans of Fox’s The Following. In this show, hosts Joe Braswell, Joe Sanfelippo, Teresa La, and Nando Velasquez break down the “Let Me Go” episode in which Olivia, Carroll’s lawyer, is able to arrange being transported to another jail. The FBI are wary of the transfer and monitor every step, save for the actual exit of the van. The van is pulled over and checked. Carroll is not inside. Hardy has the warden’s car pulled over and the trunk checked. The warden mentions his daughter’s safety as Carroll’s henchmen have kidnapped her, but his trunk is also empty. Olivia has sprung Carroll, who forces her to call Hardy. He strangles her while Hardy listens. Hardy and Weston arrive on the scene and pursue Carroll through a building where Carroll reveals he has planned all of this for “years” before escaping. With help from a follower, Joe arrives at a mansion where dozens of more followers appear to greet him. Then Joe sees Joey as a grown child for the first time. It’s The Following’s “Let Me Go” podcast!
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