Shaka Vs Bruce Leroy? Who Will Be Victorious? – S1 E16 ‘Family Reunion’ Recap & Review

Join up with your extended family in Seattle! We’re talking all about the movie with Netflix’s Family Reunion! What could go wrong when moving back to where your relatives are? Join us each week for plot discussion, the lessons, and the hijinx of this comedic tv series! On the FAMILY REUNION AFTER SHOW PODCAST, we’ve got all the discussion you could need! Be sure to subscribe and comment to stay up to date!

Shaka and Elvis have a run in with Bruce and his Last Dragons and after Shaka shows his skill in the sport, he is invited to join the class. After his first sparring sessions goes wrong, Shaka is ready to give up, but Grandpa Jeb who also happens to have been a partner in opening the dojo convinces him that just because he was knocked down, doesn’t mean he should quit. He tells him it doens’t matter how many times you get knocked down just as long as you get back up and if he really wants to quit after he gave it his all then Jeb would understand. Meanwhile, Jade ups her babysitting gigs to get money for her Childish Gambino tickets but learns she took off more than she could chew and needs M’Dear to rescue her. Mason who is played by Tia’s actual son Cree and Ami learn to celebrate the things they like about each other than what might annoy them about each other. Even though Shaka doesn’t win his rematch with Bruce he does get not only his respect but his grandfather’s original Last Dragon jacket.
  • Today’s After Show Was Hosted By: Chae’ Jones @realchaejones and Regina Coles

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