Ringer S:1 | That’s What You Get For Trying to Kill Me E:10 | AfterBuzz TV AfterShow

AFTERBUZZ TV – Ringer edition, is a weekly “after show” for fans of CW’s Ringer. In this show, host Deidre Behar breaks down the episode in which In New York, Bridget and Malcolm discover and inform the police that Charlie is holding Gemma. Upon realizing he is close to being caught, he tells Siobhan he wants double his pay, otherwise he will kill Gemma. Bridget and Andrew get even closer, while Juliet continues to dangerously flirt with her teacher Mr. Carpenter. She also claims that he raped her to new friend Andrea (Chelsea Tavares). While in Paris, Siobhan is trying to fix things with Tyler. In Wyoming, thanks to an informant (Amber Benson), Agent Machado discovers someone on the force is passing information to Bodaway. Charlie kills Gemma even though Siobhan told him not to, and Siobhan travels to New York to stop Charlie from killing Gemma. When she finds out it is too late, she shoots Charlie because he killed Gemma, and to make sure he doesn’t hurt anyone else. There to help Deidre are co-hosts Chevonne Hughes, Stephanie Chapluk and Emily Harbert. It’s Ringer’s “That’s What You Get For Trying to Kill Me” podcast!

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