Jade’s Eloping?! Will It Work? – S1 E20 ‘Family Reunion’ Recap & Review

Join up with your extended family in Seattle! We’re talking all about the movie with Netflix’s Family Reunion! What could go wrong when moving back to where your relatives are? Join us each week for plot discussion, the lessons, and the hijinx of this comedic tv series! On the FAMILY REUNION AFTER SHOW PODCAST, we’ve got all the discussion you could need! Be sure to subscribe and comment to stay up to date!

Jade’s not excited for her 15th birthday because Royalle can’t come. She decides to make it a masquerade party so that she can sneak in Royale but he decides to respect her parent’s decision because of his principles. Her parents force Jade to go through with the party. Moz and Cocoa have their own problems to deal with as they find out they are in financial stress. Shaka is still not forgiving Elvis and wants Mazzi to stop being his friend but when Mazzi refuses Shaka becomes friends with Braelyn, Mazzi’s rival to get back at him. When Moz and Cocoa catches Royale at the party, they kick him out and we end with Jade leaving a note for her parents telling them she ran away with Royale.
  • Today’s After Show Was Hosted By: Chae’ Jones @realchaejones Zakiyyah Wilbert @zakiyyahw_ Regina Coles @reginacoles