Interracial Dating Views Old School Vs New School – S1 E15 ‘Family Reunion’ Recap & Review

Join up with your extended family in Seattle! We’re talking all about the movie with Netflix’s Family Reunion! What could go wrong when moving back to where your relatives are? Join us each week for plot discussion, the lessons, and the hijinx of this comedic tv series! On the FAMILY REUNION AFTER SHOW PODCAST, we’ve got all the discussion you could need! Be sure to subscribe and comment to stay up to date!

Episode 15 “Remember When Jade Was Down With The Swirl” Jade’s new liking to chemistry is just because of the subject, but because of her new chemistry partner Cody, who also happens to be white. She not only gets negative comments from M’Dear but from her peers as well about what she and Cody are. It makes her doubt herself and her feelings that she turns down his date, but Cocoa helps her realize her truth and that if she likes Cody, then nobody else’s opinions matter and even though she humiliates herself she learns a good lesson. While Mazzi and Moz competes against Moz’s old enemy Gary and his son, and have to remember it doesn’t matter what trash talks is coming your way, that your game will always be the best comeback to others negative energy.
  • Today’s After Show Was Hosted By: Chae’ Jones and Regina Coles

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