Batman is GONE, Gotham is in SHAMBLES, and there’s only one person who can put it back together, and of COURSE it’s a woman— BATWOMAN! Join us for the BATWOMAN AFTERBUZZTV AFTERSHOW, where we’re gonna break down every episode following Kate Kane’s breakdown of Gotham’s crime scene. Join us for weekly segments, discussion, and more! Subscribe and comment to stay up to date on all things nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana BAT WOMAN!
- Today’s After Show Was Hosted By: Alikona Brad ford @yours_truly_alikona and Katie Kawamoto @kt_christine
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Batman is GONE, Gotham is in SHAMBLES, and there’s only one person who can put it back together, and of COURSE it’s a woman— BATWOMAN! Join us for the BATWOMAN AFTERBUZZTV AFTERSHOW, where we’re gonna break down every episode following Kate Kane’s breakdown of Gatham’s crime scene. Join us for weekly segments, discussion, and more! Subscribe and comment to stay up to date on all things nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana BAT WOMAN!
With the self-doubt looming, Luke must find it within himself to decode his father’s journals or face the death of his childhood friend, Julia. But, things get sticky when the message he uncovers is the key to ending Batwoman. And, while he’s willing to follow in his father’s footsteps and give his life to keep this secret, Batwoman gladly risks her life to give Alice glasses that will translate the book, just so she can have her friends back. But, how good of a friend is Julia? She kept her “boss” a secret and can’t back pedal her way out of the fact that she and Kate’s ex, Sophie, are hot for each other. We love that Parker returns to give Kate a little love advice while also helping to save the day, proving that she could earn herself a spot on the Bat team. Mary might just be a little jelly!
Hosts: Alikona Bradford I.G. @yours_truly_alikona Twitter @UrsTrulyAlikona
Katie Kawamoto I.G. & Twitter @kt_christine
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