Join Olivia Gabaree as she sits down with AfterBuzz TV hosts and gets the backstory, future plans, and all around info surrounding their life in LA and within AfterBuzz TV.
This week Olivia is sitting down with AfterBuzz TV host James Lott Junior.
About James:
James Lott Jr is a Los Angeles native who began the journey of having the best life possible six years ago. After 20-something years of many careers that included Nursing, Hospitality, Food Service, Retail, Merchandising, Insurance Education and Event Planning, James started his own company in 2009 called The Super Organizer. In addition to Professional Organizing , in 2014 he graduated from Coach Training Alliance and became a Certified Life Coach. Besides that work, he is also in the arts and media world. His Blakhope Productions is working on a variety of projects. He is also background actor who was featured on House and Privileged. He has several books coming out and is the host of his own radio show on Adrenaline Radio called Super Organizer Universe Radio. Since 2014, James writes a blog called The Super Organizer Universe. He is also a recurring co-host on AfterbuzzTV’s Dishin Days Recap Show.