The Black Lightning AfterBuzz TV After Show recaps, reviews and discusses episodes of CW’s Black Lightning. Every week, join our hosts for plot discussion, character breakdowns, and predictions on the future episodes of the show.
We finally make it to Markovburg to fight the Markovians and things get heated…figuratively and literally. We also get introduced to Gravedigger played by Wayne Brady, who mind controls Lynn into making a serum for the metas being held captive in Markovia. Lynn is still being the genius she is, mimics his powers and manages to escape captivity. Black Lightning is able to capture Tobias, but loses him while fighting off the ASA.The family is finally reunited and able to escape with no casualties due to Black Lightning facing off with Gravedigger.
Today’s After Show Was Hosted By: Porchia Carter (@PorchiaCarter), Zuri Smith (@ZuriChellece), Lanisha Fisher (@Lanisha914)
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The Black Lightning AfterBuzz TV After Show recaps, reviews and discusses episodes of CW’s Black Lightning. Every week, join our hosts for plot discussion, character breakdowns, and predictions on the future episodes of the show.
Black Lightning season finale was lit! We see Black Lightning go head to head with Gravedigger twice and he was able to stand his ground. Brennifer teamed up to go head to head with Gravedigger only to not be successful and fall to his demise. We see our last scenes of Henderson as he is killed by Gravedigger’s army fighting for his best friend’s life. It looks like all bets are still on with Black Lightning fighting for Freeland and everyone wanting a piece of the sacred city.
Today’s After Show Was Hosted By:@lanisha914,@pochiacarter,@zurichellece
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