This week on ‘This Is US’ the Pearsons are in serveral different situations that forced them to choose to “Flip a Coin”. Episode 4 took us deeper into present-day Kevin’s storyline, as well as, a new side to 1990s Kate. The introduction we’ve all been waiting for finally happened – yes, Malik and Randall meet. Listen along as your This Is Us superfans Candice Cruz (@candicecruz), Danny Royce (@iamdannyroyce), Parris Rose (@parrisrose) and Haley Graves (@haleygravess) discuss every detail from this week!
Jack and his wife – who is very pregnant with triplets — have just moved into their new home in Pittsburg. Successful and handsome television actor Kevin is growing increasingly bored with his bachelor lifestyle. Randall — who was abandoned at a fire station by his father as an infant — is a stylish New York-based businessman working to raise two daughters with his wife, Beth. These people are among a group — several of whom share a birthday — of seemingly random individuals whose lives intertwine in unexpected ways.