AFTERBUZZ TV – Eureka is a weekly “after show” for fans of Sci-Fi’s Eureka. In this show, host Jenna Busch breaks down the episode in which the Astraeus crew returns to Earth to discover that they have been missing for four years and, in their absence, Eureka has moved on without them. SARAH is the head of Global Dynamics with an army of Andy replicas as her security force. Henry, having taken much of the blame for the loss of Astraeus, is no longer town mayor. Jack has raised Allison’s children and is now dating Jo. Now reunited, Jack and Allison work with the others to overthrow SARAH and Andy’s oppressive regime and restore balance to the town. However, the crew is not really in the future; Beverly Barlowe has them in a machine that is a virtual reality. Meanwhile, Holly comes up with a dangerous theory. A month has passed and the town continues searching for the missing Astraeus crew after the DOD calls off the search. Carter and Andy go on a mission to retrieve the last part Kevin needs for a scanner to locate the Astraeus. After being apprehended, they are rescued by Jo when she returns from her walkabout and Carter realizes that the crew hasn’t been lost in space, but on Earth. Kevin and Henry locate the Astraeus and Carter and Jo lead a rescue team. When they arrive, they find the ship and the simulator. However, Beverly’s team and the crew are gone. Jack realizes that the person responsible for the disappearance is Senator Wen, who is revealed to be Beverly’s superior. Meanwhile, in the simulated Eureka, the crew go to unload biological experiments from Astraeus and discover a dragon nesting. Holly, Allison and Grace start to notice that things aren’t what they seem due to a malfunction in the Computer Matrix’s Central Processor. Holly puts the pieces together and realizes the truth, but is killed by the Virtual Carter on Senator Wen’s instructions before she can tell anyone else. There to help Jenna are co-hosts Jennings Roth Cornet and Special Guest Colin Ferguson himself! It’s Eureka’s “Lost; The Real Thing” podcast!
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