This anime series follows Tanjiro Kamodo, a kind hearted boy who’s life is turned upside down after a demon slaughters his family, and turns his sister into a demon. Join us on the DEMON SLAYER AFTERBUZZ TV AFTER SHOW PODCAST as we watch some demons get slayed. Subscribe and comment to stay up to date.
With Tanjiro backed into a corner by demons its Nezuro’s turn to attack and prove that she no longer needs her brother’s protection. (IMDb)
Two demons, Tamayo and Yushiro come to Tanjiro’s rescue. Tamayo guides Tanjiro and Nezuko to her house where Tanjiro learns how to return demons to humans. (IMDb)
Be sure to check out the After Show hosted by: Kari Lane, Jaimi Gray, Veronica Valencia, and Oliver Drennan.
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This anime series follows Tanjiro Kamodo, a kind hearted boy who’s life is turned upside down after a demon slaughters his family, and turns his sister into a demon. Join us on the DEMON SLAYER AFTERBUZZ TV AFTER SHOW PODCAST as we watch some demons get slayed. Subscribe and comment to stay up to date.
Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Innosuke head to Mount Natagumo where they encounter a group of demon slayers being controlled by a spider demon. Tanjiro and Innosuke work together to get to the source of the webs, while the mother spider demon becomes increasingly worried about the father of the family.
Our hosts Kari Lane, Jaimi Gray, Veronica Valencia, and Oliver Drennan were joined by special guest Allegra Clark.
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