AFTERBUZZ TV – Dallas edition, is a weekly “after show” for fans of TNT’s Dallas. In this show, host Dorinda Barker breaks down the “Ewings Unite!” episode in which J.R.’s will is read and half his mineral rights are left to Sue-Ellen and a letter from Miss Ellie to be opened after J.R.’s death directs that half of Southfork be titled to John Ross. Bobby sells the plot of land formerly belonging to the Ramos family back to Elena and Drew. Bobby, Christopher, and John Ross meet to discuss J.R.’s “Masterpiece”. Valene makes a surprise return to Dallas at the behest of Sue-Ellen. Harris Ryland and Cliff Barnes join forces and swear vengeance on the Ewings. Drew is blackmailed into sabotaging Christopher’s offshore methane rig. The head of DCT is caught in a compromising position with John Ross after Barnes Global undercuts Christopher on the bid for the fuel services contract with the city, placing her political future in serious jeopardy. Christopher then blackmails her into giving him another chance at the contract. While Christopher is giving a tour of the rig, an incendiary device triggers an explosion, which could jeopardize his chances at the contract. There to help Dorinda is co-host Kellie Olisky. It’s Dallas’s “Ewings Unite!” podcast!
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