Council Of Dads S1 E3 Recap & After Show: When you decide to open Pandora’s Box, you should be prepared for what you might find.

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What’s better than one Dad? Three Dads! Join the COUNCIL OF DADS AFTERBUZZ TV AFTER SHOW PODCAST, as we watch three friends offer their paternal guidance to their late friend’s children. With Episode Reviews, Recaps, and more; Subscribe and comment to say up to date.

Larry calls a Council of Dads meeting with an offer for Robin for the Crab Shack. Which leaves Robin confused on if she should sell or keep Scott’s dream alive? Luly is given constructive criticism in her writing group which causes her to start asking questions about who her dad really was. When she doesn’t get the answers she needs from Larry, she turns to Anthony and finds out a shocking truth about her adoption.
Larry comes face to face with his estranged daughter. Ollie gets close to Theo by coaching him for the football team but he ends up neglecting his own family in the process. Evan makes a decision about going back to college and convinces Luly to have faith in buying a house in his old neighborhood. Anthony has a hard time accepting that the Scott’s place might not be Scott’s place anymore and ends up telling Luly about her adoption and then agreeing to work at the Crab Shack for a year after Robin decides to sell the Crab Shack.
Hosts: Kay Montgomery-@HostKay Sean McHugh-@forillasuitsean, Chae’ Jones —@therealchaejones and Mykell Barlow-@officialMykell

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