Best Songs from Megan Thee Stallion

It’s time to celebrate Megan Thee Stallion’s birthday and we have the best way; with ten of her best songs! Let’s see if your favorite made the list!

WTF I Want

In need of a confidence boost? Go ahead and turn this song on and you’ll activate your hater blockers for the next 72 hours!

Stalli Freestyle

Super fans of Megan Thee Stallion know all about her old freestyles and lyricism. What’s your favorite freestyle from her?

Big Ole’ Freak

Even though it’s no longer Valentine’s Day, it’s never too late to tap into your sexy side!

Savage Remix

This song took over the TikTok world! In fact, you probably did the challenge as well. How could anyone resist doing it?

Make a Bag

Meg created this song for all of the pretty money-makers in the world!


Just as a fair warning, this song will pump you up to feel invincible!

Tina Montana

If you don’t already know, Tina Snow is Megan Thee Stallion’s alter ego! Who is your favorite, Tina Snow or Megan Thee Stallion?

Southside Forever Freestyle

Now, you didn’t think we could end the list without adding her latest freestyle, did you? Are you a fan of this freestyle?

What’s your favorite song from @theestallion? Let us know in the comments below! If you love this article, make sure to share it with a friend!

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Sana Moore

Sana Moore is a host at Afterbuzz TV who loves to add her own sparkle all things in entertainment! "Serving you the freshest tea with a dash of brown sugar!" IG: @iam_sana_