Allegra and A.D. Dig Deeper into Chief Raytek’s Affairs – S1 E7 ‘Briarpatch’ Recap & Review

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An intelligent investigator, a death in the family, and a town full of secrets. What more could you ask for!? Tune in every week to the Briarpatch After Show Podcast, where we break down all of the latest storylines, plot development, and more! Only on Afterbuzz TV.

As Raytek continues her pursuit of the mayor’s office, Allegra and A.D. enlist the help of Harold Snow to spy on the police chief. Meanwhile, the senator is in town to have a meeting with Clyde Brattle. When Allegra convinces the senator to also meet with Jake Spivey, Cyrus threatens Allegra for going over his head. As it is revealed that Gene Colder has been tasked with assassinating Jake Spivey by none other than Clyde Brattle, tensions run high at home with Lucretia as she is brought in to police custody for questioning in the death of Harold Snow.

Hosted by: Brandon Hanna (@brandonhanna07), QueenEsther Ekanem (@queenesthere), Janice Nyam (@nyamjanice), and Kevin Allen (@kevinallengram)

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