5 Video Game Adaptations We Would Love To See!

With the successes of shows like ‘Fallout’, ‘Arcane’, and ‘The Last of Us’, we’re thirsting for more! Here are 5 games we would pick to see adaptations for next!

In the past couple of years, entertainment has evolved to the point where it’s started intersecting with video games. The road from the beginning of adaptations to now has been rocky, but recently, we’ve been seeing some incredible successes with Amazon Prime Video’s Fallout, HBO’s The Last of Us, and Netflix’s Arcane, all of which are working on their second season. With so many more options, we’re here to give you five picks that we think would make for a killer adaptation.

Red Dead Redemption 2

10/10 IGN | 97% metacritic

If there was any game that deserves an adaptation, Red Dead Redemption 2 is your pick. There has never been a game more fit for an adaptation than Red Dead Redemption 2, and we are not alone in thinking so. Jack Black and Henry Cavill are notable figures who, like us, would love to see a Red Dead Redemption 2 adaptation. Jack Black even went as far as to say this when talking about an adaptation for Red Dead Redemption 2: “There should be, because I think that [has] just as good or [an] even better story than The Last of Us.

In the game, we follow Arthur Morgan through an epic story across the American frontier, from rugged wilderness to bustling cities. The expansive and stunning world that Red Dead Redemption 2 has built gives it plenty of opportunities for immersive world-building for a show. But it’s not just the world we love about Red Dead Redemption 2; the emotions it captures, betrayal, loyalty, redemption, and the struggle of surviving in an unforgiving and cruel world. This game makes you feel that, through the consequences of your actions, every decision has weight and can change the course of the narrative in the game. Red Dead Redemption 2 makes you feel connected to the characters, that they aren’t just pixels on a screen, and there’s no doubt that an adaptation would make you feel the same way. 

If that wasn’t enough and you need more evidence, the gameplay of Red Dead Redemption 2 features immersive, action-packed sequences that keep you on the edge of your seat. From electrifying heists to intense gunfighting, this game has everything you’d want in a Western and would undoubtedly translate well in an adaptation.


9.5/10 IGN | 96% metacritic

Skyrim, or rather, the world where The Elder Scrolls saga takes place, in general, is something that you can not go wrong with. Whether you followed the main storyline or not, the world is beyond vast and so filled to the brim with lore that you could easily create a strong plot line within the universe. As a matter of fact, with Skyrim, you might have a problem having too much lore you want to include but can’t within a certain amount of episodes. 

In Skyrim, we follow the last Dragonborn as they adventure through the lands to slay Alduin, the world-eater. From the beginning to the end of the game, so many unique factions, characters, and nations are established with their own storylines that serve as incredible material for a show.  It wouldn’t be the first time Bethesda successfully adapted one of their games to film or television. With the success of Fallout, they could easily take what they’ve learned from their first run and do it again. Skyrim has so much potential for expansion; building upon the already-created world would not be an issue at all.

Portal 2

9.5/10 IGN | 95% metacritic

Portal 2 is one of the most innovative games ever. Its compelling narrative, immersive setting, sharp-witted humor, and deep emotional depth combine to create an incredible adaptation. In Portal 2, we follow Chell, the silent protagonist, as she finds her way through the Aperture Science Enrichment Center, meeting a quirky cast of characters like Wheatley, the chummy personality core, and GlaDOS, the spiteful AI. 

Portal 2 would make for an incredible adaptation because of the unique concept behind the portal gun, the intricate puzzles, and the futuristic, sterile environment. Portal 2 also hints at other parts of the world outside of the science facility that can be used to expand upon for an adaptation. 


9.4 IGN | 91% metacritic

Overwatch is one of those multiplayer games that you play where you spend the whole time thinking, “Why does this not have a story mode?” All the characters in Overwatch are so memorable, with unique personalities and backgrounds that would be perfect in an animated series. 

Overwatch is a multiplayer game, so there isn’t a protagonist you follow. When you play, you aren’t exploring the lore, either. All of the lore in Overwatch comes from the cinematics and trailers that Blizzard has made for the game. Everything in Overwatch screams untapped adaptation potential. Overwatchs lore is so full and expansive that it’s almost criminal that we haven’t seen anything cinematic for it yet. 

Stardew Valley

8.8 IGN | 89% metacritic

Stardew Valley is a game in which you’re immediately captivated by all the tasks you can take part in. The game has charming aesthetics that make you lose track of time while you play it, and it offers a sense of accomplishment in everything you do. Stardew Valley would be an adaptation we would love to see because it would be a new, unique take; where other adaptations have been action-packed, lore-heavy, dramatic, or filled with horror, a film or show centered around Stardew Valley would have peaceful, cheerful and heartwarming themes centered around community and self-discovery. 

Stardew Valley has all of the necessary ingredients to make a heartwarming and enjoyable show. The characters are lovable, have deep backgrounds and vibrant personalities, and the world it’s set in is wholesome.

As the code for video game adaptations is continuously cracked, more and more will rise, and we will be here to watch all of them!

About the Author

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Zach Perkins

Zach Perkins is a media intern at AfterBuzz TV and a senior marketing major at LMU! He has a passion for media, acting, and all things entertainment!