AFTERBUZZ TV – 16 and Pregnant edition, is a weekly “after show” for fans of MTV’s 16 and Pregnant. In this show, host Mari Fagel breaks down the episode “Jamie” in which Jamie McKay is a 17 year old senior honor student and student council member from Asheville, North Carolina who is pregnant by her boyfriend, Ryan McElrath. The episode focuses on McKay wanting her forthcoming daughter to have the traditional family she never had, and the confrontations between McElrath and McKay’s mother. McKay gives birth to a daughter, Miah Christine McElrath, in October, 2010. Following the birth, the episode focuses on the relationship problems between McKay and McElrath, and McElrath’s infidelity. There to help Mari are co-hosts Isabel Mora, Ed Bowling, and Courtney Stewart. Be sure to check out the video version of the show at It’s 16 and Pregnant’s “Jamie” episode!
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